Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 7, 2012


On Friday, July 13th, 2012, about 40 to 50 bloggers including friends of the three bloggers Trinh Kim Tien, Trang Dem, and Bui Minh Hang gathered at Huong Dong Restaurant 4 (Binh Thanh District) to celebrate birthdays of these three bloggers. 

Suddenly, about 20 undercover Vietnamese police agents pretended to be gangsters appeared and followed these bloggers, terrorized them, beat up one car and caused serious injuries to some of the bloggers while they were on their way home.

Blogger Nguyen Hoang Vi, (who were previously interrogated and illegally arrested by Vietnamese national security agents during the demonstration against China on July 1st, 2012), was followed by secret agents whole day, even when she went to visit her mother in hospital and when she went to the birthday party with her friends.

When the Vietnamese undercover agents arrived at the birthday party, they called more undercover agents pretended to be gangsters to come. There were about 20 secret agents surrounded the bloggers, eavedropping and secretly took pictures of the bloggers. The bloggers were calm, since they were so familiar with these tricks of the secret agents trying to terrorize them everyday.

About 10:30PM, after giving Bloggers Kim Tien, Bui Hang, Trang Dem birthday best wishes, the bloggers said goodbye to each other and headed for home.
However, security and happiness did not reach to the lives of common people who lived in the hands of evil "gangster security agents". The group of blogger Hoang Vi, Mrs Duong Thi Tan (blogger Dieu Cay's wife), blogger Bui Hang, and blogger Lee Nguyen were followed by 8 secret agents, immediately after they left the restaurant. 

When the car just started and rolled on Dinh Tien Hoang St, Binh Thanh District, eight secret agents drove closely side by side to the car and picked on the bloggers. The car drove slowly and the secret agents smashed the right passenger window in the back side. The bloggers seating at the back seats were Bui Hang, Lee Nguyen, Nguyen Hoang Vi.

Broken pieces of glass hit everyone in the back, causing serious bleeding of all three bloggers, particularly Hoang Vi got injuries on her arms, legs, and face.

Facing life threatening situation, blogger Quyet and everyone in the car decided not to stop the car, but continue driving to a police station asking for help. The eight "so-called gangster" agents still followed the bloggers closely. When the car stopped to ask other people for directions, the eight "gangsters" smashed the rear window. 

The standby people were so scared so no one dared to help the bloggers.
When overhearring one blogger asked a standby person where the police station at, one of the eight "gangsters" answered, "I am a police agent here, go ahead, call police!"
The bloggers continued to search for the nearby police station. When the car drove by the People Army Base Number 7 on Hoang Van Thu Street, the bloggers stopped the car and asked the army soldiers for help. Two soliers came out and asked the bloggers. Meanwhile the "gangster agents" did not leave; they continued to stalk at a closeby distance and used phones to call someone.

After a moment, a supervisor of the army base came out and told the bloggers that he already notified police and that this matter should be resolved by police and it did not concern the army base.

The whole group continued to run home, while still being followed by these "gangster agents". Due to the safety of blogger Bui Hang, the group decided to stop by a nearby hotel and let Bui Hang rest there over night. Everyone else came home with bleeding injuries and bruises.
Blogger Hanh Nhan and attorney Le Tran Luat also were being followed by "gangster agents" that night but they drove around and arround and finally was able to cut off the chase of these "gangster agents".

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